Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
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Principles Governing Membership of Council's Standing Committees

Committee on Grants and Scholarships

The Committee on Grants and Scholarships recommends to the Vice-President,
Research Grants and Scholarships, program allocations and transfers between program elements within the two separate allocations to program areas (People and Discovery) approved by the Council; it recommends to the Vice-President, Research Grants and Scholarships methods to be used for selection committee and evaluation group allocations; it provides advice on and monitors programs referred to it by the Council; and it advises the Council on policy issues and possible mechanisms regarding support of the research base in science and engineering in Canadian universities and the provision of highly qualified research personnel in those same areas in Canada. On occasion, the Committee may be asked to make recommendations to the President on major grants and awards to individuals or groups.


The members of the Committee on Grants and Scholarships are appointed by the Vice-President of the Research Grants and Scholarships Directorate, on the recommendation of its Directors.


The Committee is chaired by a Council member and composed of both Council and non-Council members. The Committee should be representative of the R&D community it serves, and its make-up should include:

  • active researchers from the university sector;
  • researchers and/or research managers from the private and public sectors;
  • at least one individual from the young researcher category, including graduate students and postdoctoral fellows;
  • at least one Dean of Graduate Studies;
  • a minimum of two francophones.

In addition, the Committee should reflect the gender balance of the natural sciences and engineering research community and include a minimum of two women and two men.

Other factors must be taken into consideration during the appointment process. For instance, some members must have prior selection committee experience. The Committee must also have a reasonable regional balance.

* The President and Vice-President of the Council are ex-officio members of all standing committees.