Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
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Idea to Innovation Program

Final Report - Instructions


All NSERC Idea to Innovation grant holders are required to report on what has been accomplished with the funding provided to them. Recipients of an I2I grant will be able to submit their report electronically using the Web-based Final Report.

Final Reports may be used by NSERC to promote its funded research and knowledge transfer, to enhance accountability, to demonstrate research results and outcomes of grants and to provide input for program evaluations.

The grant holder can create, edit and print a Web-based Final Report. When the Council receives your completed Final Report electronically, the data provided in your report will be transferred to NSERC's corporate database.

We suggest that you print and consult this document while you are completing your Final Report. You may also refer to this document by clicking on the "Instructions" button while you are on-line. This button will link you directly to the instructions for the screen you are completing.


The Final Report will be submitted electronically to NSERC, and therefore will not require the original signature of the grant holder. When you have successfully verified your report, click on the "Submit" button.

Deadline Date

Final Reports must be submitted within three months of the end of the grant. In the case where an extension of up to one year has been granted, the Final Report should be submitted within three months of the end of the extension period.


If you have questions regarding the on-line system, contact our helpdesk by telephone at 613-995-4273 or by E-mail at For other questions contact the account or portfolio manager.


The information displayed on this screen was copied from NSERC's corporate database. You must contact the appropriate account or portfolio manager to make any corrections to this information.

Public Summary of Outcomes and Benefits to Canada

In plain (non-technical) language, explain how the outcomes from the project have had an impact on the partners and the potential benefits to Canada. Your text may not exceed one page on the printed copy. To confirm that your text will fit on the page, save your information and select "Preview", then adjust accordingly.

In preparing your response, consider the following questions:

  1. What was the overall challenge that underpinned this grant?
  2. From the perspective of the industriy or government partner, what were the key achievements of the grant?
  3. How do the achievements translate into benefits for Canadians?

Achievements could include one or more of the following but not limited to: a competitive advantage, financial gain or saving, productivity increase, training of highly-skilled people, commercially promising know-how or intellectual property, and/or an environmentally-friendly benefit for the industry sponsor(s).

Context: It is more important than ever that we demonstrate to the Canadian public and the government the impact of the research funded by NSERC. By more clearly demonstrating the benefits of our investments, NSERC will be better equipped to make the case for additional funding for university research.

Progress Towards Objectives/Milestones

Rate on a scale of 1 (Not at all) to 7 (To a great extent) the extent that you have achieved the objectives of the research project by clicking on the appropriate value.

Report on Progress – Maximum 3 Pages

Provide the following:

  1. a brief description of the overall objectives of the research project as awarded;
  2. a description of the progress made towards these objectives as a result of the grant;
  3. a justification for any deviations from the original objectives;
  4. where the project stands in respect to the initial go/no go decision point.

Save the document in the Portable Document Format (.pdf), locate it on your computer by clicking on the "Browse" button and attach it to the form by clicking on the "Attach" button on the screen. The size limit for a file attachment should not exceed the allowed limit of 3000 kilobytes (3MB).

Problems Encountered

Identify the problems encountered during your research project by clicking the appropriate boxes. If problems were identified, briefly describe them and the steps taken to resolve each one. Your text may not exceed one page on the printed copy. To confirm that your text will fit on the page, save your information and select "Preview", then adjust accordingly.

Research Team

List the name of each team member, select their role and give a brief description of their scientific contribution to the research project. Please note that because details on the respective scientific contribution of team members constitutes personal information about them as defined in the Privacy Act, NSERC asks you provide this information only with their knowledge and consent. We have produced a Consent Form to assist you with this. Use of the form is not mandatory; for example, you may obtain consent by E-mail provided that the team member confirms in writing that he/she has read the consent statement and agrees. The form/consent does not have to be sent to NSERC but should be retained for three years and made available to NSERC upon request. In cases where you cannot signify that you have obtained consent, please provide only the name and role of the team member.


Select the role from the drop-down menu. If the role is not listed, select "Other" from the list and type the information in the box provided.


List the contribution for each team member. Your text may not exceed six lines on the printed copy. To confirm that your text will fit on the page, save your information and select "Preview", then adjust accordingly.

For additional entries, click on the "New Page" button and six blank entries will be added to the screen.

Intellectual Property Protection

Indicate if the intellectual property needs protection or will be protected. If the nature of the research is such that it is not appropriate to protect the intellectual property by the means stated, select "Not applicable." If none of the choices are appropriate, type in the "Other (specify)" box provided.


Report each patent that has been initiated and any national filings that have followed. Initiating patent applications includes: provisionals, first filings and PCT applications. If the type of initiation is not listed, select "Other (specify)" and type in the box provided. A PCT application for the invention of interest is filed with the PCT authorities who preliminarily assess the invention's patentability. This assessment helps one decide if the cost and effort of pursuing patent protection in specific countries is justifiable.

For any patents issued, list the title of the invention, the patent application number, the patent number, the names of the inventors, etc. in the box provided. Your text may not exceed one half page on the printed copy. To confirm that your text will fit on the page, save your information and select "Preview", then adjust accordingly.

Collaboration with the Partners

Complete this module only if your project included supporting organizations. Select how the research project was initiated by clicking the appropriate box. If the type of initiation is not listed, select "Other (specify)" and type the information in the box provided. Indicate if the project did arise from a grant funded by the NSERC Strategic Workshop Program or the Interaction and/or Engage Program.

Briefly describe the process that was used to initiate the research project. Your text may not exceed one page on the printed copy. To confirm that your text will fit on the page, save your information and select "Preview", then adjust accordingly.

Rate on a scale of 1 (Not at all) to 7 (To a great extent) the extent of the partner's involvement in the project by clicking on the appropriate value. Identify the way the partners were involved in the project by clicking the appropriate boxes. If none of the choices are appropriate, select "Other (specify)" and type the information in the box provided.

Describe the partners' involvement and comment on the collaboration. Your text may not exceed one page on the printed copy. To confirm that your text will fit on the page, save your information and select "Preview", then adjust accordingly.

Future Plans

Select ''Yes'' if you plan on presenting an I2I Phase II application. Describe any follow-up or related work that will be undertaken as a result of the project, who will be involved in the work (including partners) and how it will be funded. Your text may not exceed one page on the printed copy. To confirm that your text will fit on the page, save your information and select "Preview", then adjust accordingly.

Knowledge and Technology Transfer

Indicate how the research results were transferred to the partners by clicking the appropriate boxes. If none of the choices are appropriate, select "Other (specify)" and type the information in the box provided.

Indicate how the research results are being used and/or will be used by the partners by selecting one of three choices in the appropriate boxes. If none of the choices are appropriate, select "Other (specify)" and type the information in the box provided.

In two separate textboxes, you must (a) provide examples of some of the uses of the research results and (b) describe any environmental or social benefit that resulted or could result in the future from this research. Your text may not exceed one page on the printed copy. To confirm that your text will fit on the page, save your information and select "Preview", then adjust accordingly.

Options and Licences

List all options and licences that resulted from the research project. An "option" is the right to negotiate for a licence or assignment. A "licence" refers to the completion of an agreement with a client to use the intellectual property for a fee or other consideration (e.g., equity in the company). Assignment refers to the transfer by a party of all or part of its right, title and interest in a patent or patent application that has been filed.

Indicate the name of the technology and select the type from the drop-down menu. Type the name of the organization and select the country using the "List..." button.

For additional entries, click on the "New Page" button and six blank entries will be added to the screen.

Spin-Off Companies

If the research led to the creation of any spin-off companies, provide the legal name, the year the company was incorporated and the status.

Contributions from Other Sources

Enter the total amounts of cash and in-kind committed and received from each partner and indicate the nature of any previous collaboration. For all other sources of funding, enter the total amounts of cash and in-kid received. Enter amounts rounded up to the nearest dollar without any spaces or commas (e.g., 2000). For blank entries, leave in the "0" value. When entering an amount, highlight the "0" and type the dollar value in the box provided.

You must also describe, if applicable, the in-kind and explain any variation between commitment and actual cash and in-kind contributions. Your text may not exceed one page on the printed copy. To confirm that your text will fit on the page, save your information and select "Preview", then adjust accordingly.

Financial Information

An up-to-date and signed Grants in Aid of Research Statement of Account (Form 300) must be provided for both the NSERC contribution and any partner contributions to this project for the last year only. Ask the finance department at your institution to forward them directly to NSERC to the attention of the Account or Portfolio Manager for the grant.

You must also complete the financial table. The amounts you enter will apply to the whole project. Enter amounts rounded up to the nearest dollar without any spaces or commas (e.g., 2000). For blank entries, leave in the "0" value. When entering an amount, highlight the "0" and type the dollar value in the box provided. Based on the amounts you enter in the "Total Budget" and the "Total Actual Expenditure" columns, the system will automatically calculate the percent variation when saved.

Provide a detailed explanation for the variation of each budget item with a variation ±20%. Your text may not exceed one page on the printed copy. To confirm that your text will fit on the page, save your information and select "Preview", then adjust accordingly.


In two separate textboxes, you must (a) describe if the program was adapted to the requirements of your project and (b) add any comments that you may wish to share with us. Your text may not exceed 1/2 page on the printed copy. To confirm that your text will fit on the page, save your information and select "Preview", then adjust accordingly.