Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
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Past Winners


Helge Seetzen
Helge Seetzen

High Dynamic Range Display and Projection Systems

The University of British Columbia


James She
James She

Wireless Media Express

University of Waterloo

Wei Chen
Wei Chen

Wet Adhesion of Phenylboronic Acid
Polyvinylamine Microgel to Cellulose Hydrogel

McMaster University


Ahmed Awad El Sayed Ahmed
Ahmed Awad El Sayed Ahmed

Security Monitoring through Human Computer Interaction Devices

University of Victoria
Antoine Bianchi
Antoine Bianchi

Valorisation d'un résidu industriel non toxique et mise au point d'un produit à la base d'une technique de réhabilitation in situ de sites contaminés aux solvants chlorés

Université de Québec à Montréal
Oleksandr (Alex) Boyko
Oleksandr (Alex) Boyko

Composition and Method for Enhancing Plant Transformation and Homologous Recombination

University of Lethbridge
Chris Dennison
Chris Dennison

Minimally Invasive, In-Fibre Bragg Grating Based Biomedical Sensors for Clinical Pressure Measurement Application

University of Victoria
Pierre-Philippe Lapointe-Garant
Pierre-Philippe Lapointe-Garant

Développement d'une méthode PAT basée sur la technique NIR pour le suivi de l'uniformité d'un mélange granulaire pharmaceutique

Université de Sherbrooke
Douglas McCollor
Douglas McCollor

Improving Hydrometeorologic Numerical Weather Prediction Forecast Value Via Bias Correction and Ensemble Analysis

The University of British Columbia
Nigel R. Munce
Nigel R. Munce

Forward-Looking Catheter for Intravascular Imaging

University of Toronto